Following the successful U.S. debut of the game show The Floor and the announcement of The Quiz With Balls heading to the U.S., Talpa Studios has partnered with Bunim/Murray Productions and The Natural Studios to introduce the new adventure reality sensation No Way Back to American viewers. No Way Back is the first project from Talpa Studios’ strategic partnership with Signal.Stream and has been praised for its innovation and captivating content. In the show, British former SAS trooper Bear Grylls will lead sixteen contestants through a series of unique challenges along a demanding trail, testing their limits and teamwork.
No Way Back truly made its mark in the Netherlands. It achieved the best-ever ratings of any adventure reality show to premiere on SBS6. During its premiere, it boasted a market share peak of 17.3% among the key demographic of 25-59 and maintained strong performance throughout the season. The show’s exciting finale became the most-watched episode with 811,000 viewers – all excellent numbers to send the show off for its international debut.
In the Dutch version of No Way Back, a group of adventurers embarks on a grueling trail through Norway’s rugged nature. Along the trail, they pass four camps, each worth a certain amount of money, but reaching the finish is worth more. The adventurers are pushed beyond their limits by experienced commandos. In the U.S. version, former British SAS trooper Bear Grylls takes on the leading role, elevating the survival experience to new heights by encouraging the candidates to grow and surpass their own expectations. Grylls’ expertise and adventurous spirit promise to inspire and challenge the 16 diverse contestants as they navigate through the series’ unique challenges. Bunim/Murray Productions and The Natural Studios recently produced I Survived Bear Grylls for TBS in the U.S.
Bear Grylls: “No Way Back is a proven phenomenon and it’s easy to see why. You mix adventure, hard cash and even harder decision making under pressure and you have the ingredients for drama. I’m excited and proud to be bringing this show to new territories and reminding global audiences that the wild takes away, but it also rewards…Get ready for the adventure!”
Julie Pizzi, President Bunim/ Murray: “We are thrilled to be teaming up with John and the team at Talpa Studios on No Way Back, which clearly resonated with Dutch viewers right out of the gate, and we expect it to do likewise here in the U.S., especially with someone as experienced in adventure as Bear Grylls onboard.”
John de Mol, owner of Talpa Studios: “Following the introduction of two successful quiz show formats in the U.S., we are excited to now bring No Way Back, our new adventure reality format, to the world’s most significant TV market. With No Way Back, we are introducing a pioneering format to the global stage, underscored by our collaboration with Bear Grylls, an international phenomenon in the world of survival. Bear’s involvement, given his vast experience and the groundbreaking shows he has led, elevates this format to new heights, promising an unparalleled adventure for both participants and viewers.”